It is finally here! Possibility to turn your images into Facebook 3D images without a phone. Previously Facebook 3D images could be done with iPhone cameras that had portrait mode but now you can upload them yourself using your browser facebook application.
Here is a quick tutorial on how this is done (this image was done for local brewing company Rock Paper Scissors):
- First, find an image that you will want to turn into a 3D image. I prefer my PSD images where I have layers already cut out to make the depth map.
Here is one example image where I had all the people and background already on separate layers. You can always use an image that doesn’t have layers, but in that case, you need to cut out the wanted elements to separate layers before you continue making the depth map. And you can create a detailed depth map as you want, all depending on your image. You can use also gradients for example to floors and ceiling to get better transitions between depths.
2. Then in photoshop, I created the simple depth map by just filling wanted layers / areas into shades of gray, darker shades layers I wanted to be in the back and the lighter layers that are in the front. Shades of gray determine the distance of the different elements. And here is the result:
3. Then naming / saving of the files. The first image was named rps.png and the depth mask as rps_depth.png. So just add the _depth to the depth map image and save them as 16bit PNG files or jpeg files will work also.
example: imagename.png & imagename_depth.png
Both images have to be the same size and I think images in portrait 3:4 ratio works the best.
4. And then just create a Facebook post and select both of these images to add that post(or drag both files to facebook post field) and Facebook will generate the 3D image out of these two files automatically. Amazing!
And this is how you can create 3D images without using iPhone!!
Peter Mayes
April 19, 2019
Hi Antti
This looks great!
Two questions….
Is there a way to preview the final work in, say, the browser before posting to Facebook?
And when posting to FB, do you just drag the two images into the text box or pick them in the usual way from the Explorer window that pops up when you click Photo/Video?
(I use Win10 and Chrome)
Antti Karppinen
April 19, 2019
You can put the images in the Facebook post, preview the 3D picture. If you don’t like it, just don’t post the message.
And you can either drag the images or just select those 2 files from the dialog.
Marc De Vinci
April 19, 2019
Looks great! How come you don’t get any blur? I’ve been trying and I keep getting blur around my cutouts. I tried to add gradient to smoothen transitions but doesn’t change anything
Antti Karppinen
April 19, 2019
try to have minor steps in your shades of gray so the depth wont be that big. And all depends of the image anyways how the algorithm will create the blur.